Latest publications

Taking stock of TCAs in the field of Education and Training between 2019 and 2023

The latest publication from the SALTO E&T TCA Resource Centre examines the role and progress of Training and Cooperation Activities, one of the key support mechanisms for National Agencies implementing the Erasmus+ programme. The study is based on statistical data and experiences covering the past five years, pointing out recommendations for further areas of development.


CEEPUS Impact Study

The CEEPUS programme (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) celebrated its 25th anniversary in the academic year 2018-2019. On this occasion, the Hungarian coordinator of the programme, Tempus Public Foundation commissioned a study, which seeks to look back upon the Hungarian outcomes of the past decades, presenting the impact of the programme on the Hungarian higher education institutions.


Measuring the economic impacts of inbound higher education mobility

The purpose of this research is to measure the local as well as systemic level economic impact of certain target groups of international students (Erasmus+ students, Stipendium Hungaricum grant beneficiaries and fee-paying students); to examine their role and significance as a consumer group; to analyse their multiplier economic effects; to disclose the direct payments into economy; and to analyse their role in tourism, as well their participation in the studentification process of each university city.


Taking Stock of TCAs Realised in the Field of Education and Training between 2014-2018

Report of the research findings

Erasmus+ National Agencies are diverse all over Europe, however we all face at least two similar challenges in our everyday work: attracting new actors in the Programme and raising the quality of running projects. Transnational Cooperation Activities (TCAs), an instrument granted within the Erasmus+ for the national agencies to increase their potential in the above mentioned areas, has been introduced in the field of education and training in 2014. In the first years, NAs were reluctant to jump into TCAs, while over the years the value of these activities has been more and more conceived and for now the majority of national agencies pursue such cooperation by both sending participants and hosting events.


Hogyan vehetünk részt aktívan Európa közös építésében? / How can we take part actively in creating Europe together?

Mozaik a magyar koordinálású projektekről az Európa a polgárokért programban / A Compilation of Projects from Hungary

Az Európa a polgárokért program is elérkezett a 7 éves pályázati és költségvetési periódusának feléhez, ezért az Európai Bizottság megbízásából készült egy ún. „félidős” értékelés a 2014 és 2016 közötti időszak eredményeiről. Az elemzés egyik legfontosabb megállapítása szerint a program releváns, a megvalósított projektek révén az Európai Uniót foglalkoztató aktuális kérdésekre, problémákra és kihívásokra reflektál. Kifejezetten magas a programban benyújtott pályázatok száma is, állandó a túljelentkezés.


How Can We Take Part Actively in Creating Europe Together?

The Europe for Citizens Programme has arrived to its mid-term so an interim report was made on behalf of the European Commission about the results of the period between 2014 and 2016. According to one of the most important statements of the analysis, the programme is relevant and reflects to the current questions, problems, and challenges of the European Union through the implemented projects. The number of applications is also very high, the oversubscription is constant.


Hogyan vehetünk részt aktívan Európa közös építésében? / How can we take part actively in creating Europe together?

Mozaik a magyar koordinálású projektekről az Európa a polgárokért programban / A Compilation of Projects from Hungary

Az elmúlt években több olyan projekt is született, melyben az Európai Unió jövőjét meghatározó témákat dolgoztak fel a pályázók. Ezek közül mutatunk be néhányat ebben a kiadványban, valamennyi pályázati kategóriából válogatva.


CroCoos - Prevent dropout!

Every Student Matters!

The publication contains the implementation results of a project titled “Crosssectoral cooperation focused solutions for preventing early school leaving” (CroCooS). It lasted from the spring of 2014 to the spring of 2017, and was co-funded by the European Commission. This was a three-year-long strong cooperation among three Eastern Central-European countries – Serbia, Slovenia, and Hungary – with the support of some Danish and Dutch colleagues.



A collection of quality award-winning projects supported by the Erasmus+ and Lifelong Learning (LLP) programmes

Which are the coolest apps to be used in English classes? How can a 3D programme arouse the interest of would-be carpenters in traditional European architectural shapes? How can one working with SEN students benefit from movement therapy? Why is it worth treating students as partners during foreign traineeship?


Student Satisfaction Survey 2016

Hungary and Hungarian Higher Education according to International Students

On behalf of Tempus Public Foundation (in the framework of the Campus Mundi project) a study was conducted to reveal the opinions of full-time and part-time international students studying in Hungary, analysing their perceptions and attitudes towards Hungary, its educational services and mobility.
