Taking stock of TCAs in the field of Education and Training between 2019 and 2023

2025 | Angol nyelvű kiadványok

The latest publication from the SALTO E&T TCA Resource Centre examines the role and progress of Training and Cooperation Activities, one of the key support mechanisms for National Agencies implementing the Erasmus+ programme. The study is based on statistical data and experiences covering the past five years, pointing out recommendations for further areas of development.

In the past 5 years, the number of TCA (Training and Cooperation Activities) events and their participants has approximately doubled, highlighting the power of Erasmus+. The National Agencies are increasingly making better use of TCA resources, the European Commission is committed to continue support for the TCA, and the establishment of the priority SALTO centres has also increased cooperation and dialogue among TCA stakeholders. The research has shown that the TCA is not only a strategic tool for the qualitative development of the Programme, but also has a number of added values for National Agencies in supporting the national Erasmus+ priorities and for the transnational cooperation and development of National Agency staff.

The latest publication from the SALTO E&T TCA Resource Centre, titled Taking stock of TCAs in the field of education and training between 2019 and 2023, examines the role and development of Training and Cooperation Activities, one of the key support mechanisms for National Agencies implementing the Erasmus+ programme. The study is based on statistical data and experiences from the past five years, compared with similar data from the previous five-year period, which was also documented in a 2019 publication.

The research underpinning this publication was conducted with the participation of National Agency Directors and TCA Officers, using data from European Commission databases and the SALTO E&T TCA Platform. A research expert commissioned by the Resource Centre carried out the comparative analysis.

Findings indicate that TCAs play a crucial role in supporting European education policy objectives, contributing to the quality increase of the Erasmus+ programme and strengthening the links between national and European education policies. The analysis also highlights the increasing commitment of National Agencies to TCAs, with the support of the SALTO Education&Training TCA Resource Centre playing a significant role in this progress.

However, the research identifies a number of areas for further improvement in the field of education and training TCAs, which challenges are recommended to the attention of the European Commission and national agency policy-makers.

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