Shaping VET for Tomorrow: Impact, Innovation, Networks

The Hungarian National Agency, Tempus Public Foundation, with the great cooperation of the Hungarian National VET Team coordinator and its experts, organises an international conference on vocational education and training “Shaping VET for Tomorrow: Impact, Innovation, Networks” to share experiences and best practices.

Date: 6 December 2024 (Friday), from 09.00-15.00 (CET)
VenueNovotel Budapest Danube (33-34 Bem Embarkment, 1027 BUDAPEST Hungary)
Registration deadline: 1 December 2024

The international conference presents the opportunities and benefits of international, especially Erasmus+ programmes that could be implemented in vocational education and training. Plenary keynote speakers provide presentations on the current development and perspectives in VET, as well as the impact of abroad VET placement on improving students’ competences. At the round-table discussion, participants in different countries share their ideas on how Erasmus+ programmes could be made greener.

The plenary part is followed by three parallel sessions on quality assurance, Erasmus-driven innovations in schools, and participation in democratic life. In the sessions, participants listen to some international best practices, which are followed by group discussions. Session participants actively involve in the session work by sharing their ideas and best practices with others. The chairs of the sessions are mostly the experts of the Hungarian National VET Team.

Participants of conference are the representatives of National VET Teams from 13 different countries (National Agencies) and actors (directors, teachers, project coordinators) from the Hungarian vocational education and training.

Participation at the conference is free of charge but registration is required. 


9:00 - 9:30 Arrival, registration
9:30 - 9:50 Opening the conference, Official greeting

Plenary part

09:50 - 10:10 Marta MUNOZ: "Erasmus+: Current developments and perspectives in vocational education and training
10:10 - 10:30 Julita PIENKOSZ: “Beyond Borders: The Role of Mobility in Shaping Skills and Motivation of Vocational Students in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries”
10:30 - 11:30 Roundtable discussion: Let’s make Erasmus greener!
Moderator: Éva TÓTH
11.30 - 12:00 Coffee break


12:00 - 13:30 Sessions - 3 parallel sessions

1. Quality Assurance – EQAVET – Learning mobility - Application closed


This conference session highlights the importance of quality assurance in the successful implementation of the Erasmus+ KA1 projects. Quality assurance can be internal and/or external and implemented on three levels: 1. system, 2. institution/provider, and 3. programme/project.

The workshop participants explore and discuss – based on best practices – how the quality assurance approaches and tools – with special regard to the EQAVET Framework on system/institutional level and the Erasmus+ quality standards on project level – can promote high quality learning mobility experience and improve opportunities for learners.


2. Erasmus-driven innovation in schools - Let's broaden our horizons

Chairs: Éva ROZMÁN, Helga MÜLLER

The session explores the innovative impact of Erasmus+ programmes on everyday school life. We discuss how to harness the results of student mobility and multiply new knowledge from teacher mobility to develop education. We share best practices to improve the quality of education.


3. Participation in Democratic Life - Fostering active citizenship through Erasmus+ programmes

Chairs: Judit Emma TÓTH, Tamara TUZA

The session explores how the Erasmus+ programme can contribute to strengthening participation in democratic life, with a focus on engaging young people and communities. The session aims to highlight the methods and tools that can be used within Erasmus+ and other international programmes to foster democratic values and active citizenship. Through sharing best practices, participants gain insights into how community engagement and civic participation can be increased.

13:30 - 14:30  Lunch
15:00 Travelling home

If you have questions, you can ask: Dr. Csilla Marianna Szabó, or Daniella Boros,

Last modified: 02-12-2024