CEEPUS Teacher Mobility to Hungary 

The deadline for network and Freemover mobility grant applications targeting Hungary in the winter semester of the 2024/25 academic year has been modified.
The new deadline is 30 September 2024.

(We kindly request that all applicants submit their applications at least 2 months prior to the planned start date.)

Information for teachers intending to submit CEEPUS application to Hungary

There are two ways of submitting your CEEPUS Teacher Mobility application:

  1. Within a CEEPUS network

If your home institution is part of a CEEPUS network that has a relevant scientific topic for you, you can submit your application within that network, to the available Hungarian partner institutions. The call for applications will be published by your home institution and the local network coordinator carries out the selection.

  1. As Freemover

If your home institution is not part of a CEEPUS network that has a relevant scientific topic for you, you can choose to submit a Freemover application. Any of the accredited Hungarian higher education institutions can be chosen as host institution. Freemovers need to find and contact the Hungarian host university themselves.


CEEPUS network means international partnership of higher education institutions’s smaller units, e.g. faculties or departments. These participating units create a thematic network on a specific or interdisciplinary academic field. The mobility places will be published according to the network’s mobility plan and its scholarship quota, to certain partner institutions and for certain time period. Teachers at the participating unit are eligible to apply for the mobility grant.

You can look up the active CEEPUS networks of your home institution on the central website www.ceepus.info clicking on the Find tab and choosing current academic year, your country and home institution. You can find network description, Hungarian partners and contacts.

You may also require further institution-specific information at your home institution’s International Office.



  • mandatory teaching and/or thesis supervising activity at the host institution: minimum 6 teaching/supervising hours (lecture, seminar or consultation)
  • lengh of stay: minimum 5 working days (which technically counts 1 scholarship month in the www.ceepus.info system)
  • timing: teaching activity only during semesters
  • research activities, conference visit or partner meetings, etc. cannot be the only aim of a teacher mobility


Conditions of eligibility 

  • employed as a teacher at a higher education institution in a CEEPUS member country
  • teaching plan about minimum 6 teaching/supervising hours (lecture, seminar or consultation) during minimum 5 working days at the host institution, detailed in the application form’s ’Motivation’ part
  • in the case of network mobility, both the home and host institutions’ network coordinator nominates the application
  • citizenship of a CEEPUS member country*
  • it is not allowed to submit application to the country of citizenship (Hungarian citizenship is not acceptable when submitting an application to Hungary – dual citizens may use their other citizenship) and to the country of residence
  • it is not allowed to receive a second mobility scholarship from other sources, to cover costs for the same mobility activity, destination and time period (avoiding double financing)

*If you are not a citizen but have employment as a teacher at a higher education institution in a CEEPUS member country, you are eligible to apply under the same conditions. Upon submitting your online application, you have to upload the ’Equal Status’ document that proves your status at the home institution (e.g. first page of work contract in English).


Submission deadlines for CEEPUS mobility applications

  • network mobility for the winter/first semester: 15th June 
  • network mobility for the summer/second semester: 31st October
  • freemover mobility for the winter/first semester: continuously, usually starting on 1st July, open until availability
  • freemover mobility for the summer/second semester: 30th November

Deadlines are on the same days each year.


General semester duration in Hungary:

  • First/Winter/Autumn semester: 1st September – 31 January
  • Second/Summer/Spring semester: 1st February – 30th June
  • Holiday season: 1st July – 31st August


Privacy Statement for data management in connection with the CEEPUS Programme


Scholarship amounts for teachers

Teacher 6-11 hours of teaching /consultation within 5 days 200.000,-HUF/month
Teacher (Extended) 12 hours of teaching /consultation within 10 days 300.000,-HUF/month
Teacher (Virtual) 6-11 hours of teaching /consultation / month
(connected to a physical mobility in the same academic year)

For teachers in CEEPUS, the unit ’month’ is a technical term, which minimum requirement is 5 working days stay at the host institution.

The grant is a comprehensive amount which not necessarily covers all costs of living and travelling.

The grant is paid at the Hungarian host institution after arrival. The payment method is given by the host institution.

The same scholarship amounts apply to both Network and Freemover mobilities.


How to apply

Follow the step-by step guide for the online application:

1) Registration: www.ceepus.info / Sign in / Click here to register / fill in the registration form / click on the link received via email

ATTENTION! You have to register only once! In case you submit further applications, please use the same login.

2) Filling in the application form: www.ceepus.info login/ Mobility Desktop / Your mobility application / Academic year (dropdown menu) /Action / choosing option (yes → network mobility; no → Freemover mobility) / filling in the online application form

When applying for a virtual mobility, please write the application number of the physical mobility to which it is connected into the motivation part of the new application.The physical mobility and the follow-up virtual one have to be in the same academic year.

3) Uploading documents (pdf, jpg):

  • Applying within a network and being a citizen of a CEEPUS member country: no documents required
  • Freemover: Freemover Teachers’ Letter (issued by the Hungarian host institution)
  • Not being a citizen of a CEEPUS member country: Equal Status document (e.g. first page of work contract in English)

4) Finalising application: click on ’check & submit’

Online support: in the case of technical problems, you can contact the www.ceepus.info website’s IT support by clicking on the green IT support button in the site’s upper right corner. You can write e-mails in English or German to receive IT support.

You can follow the stages of your application: 

  1. Status: submitted / waiting for the nomination from the home PPU: the application has been finalised and submitted and it is waiting for the home institution’s coordinator to nominate it towards the home National CEEPUS Office
  2. Status: waiting for the nomination from the home NCO: the application is waiting for the home National CEEPUS Office to nominate it towards the Hungarian host institution’s coordinator
  3. Status: waiting for the nomination from the host institution/PPU: the application is waiting for the the Hungarian host institution’s coordinator to nominate it towards the Hungarian National CEEPUS Office
  4. Status: waiting for the award from the host NCO: the application is waiting for the Hungarian National CEEPUS Office to award or reject it
  5. Status: awarded by host NCO/ rejected by host NCO: the Hungarian National CEEPUS Office’s answer for the application
  6. Status: accepted by applicant: in the case of awarded application, the applicant has confirmed that s/he has accepted the scholarship
  7. Status: postponed by the NCO: if the unstarted mobility needs to be postponed due to the epidemic situation, this should be agreed with the host institution and asked from the host NCO
  8. Status: interrupted by the NCO: if the started mobility needs to be interrupted due to the epidemic situation, this should be agreed with the host institution and asked from the host NCO

Freemover mobility applications go through the home and host National CEEPUS Offices only.


Final results

In CEEPUS, the final results are given by the host National CEEPUS Office, usually 30-45 days after the submission deadline. In the meantime, you can check the status of your application on www.ceepus.info, see stages above.

First, you will receive an automatic email from www.ceepus.info about the application being awarded (Status: Awarded by host NCO) or rejected (Status: Rejected by host NCO).

In case of being awarded, you have to send feedback that you accept the scholarship.

Sending feedback about accepting the scholarship: www.ceepus.info login / Mobility Desktop / Manage your mobility applications / Academic year (dropdown menu) / opening the awarded application / clicking on Accept.

Now the Status is Accepted by applicant. 

Shortly after, your Letter of Award will be issued and sent to you with an information package from the Hungarian National CEEPUS Office. This will contain information about the next steps and contact details to the Hungarian host institution’s coordinator. You will have to contact the institution in order to arrange your arrival, accommodation and teaching/supervising activity. Your scholarship will be paid at the institution after your arrival.

In case of being rejected, you will be informed about the reason of the rejection via email.


Reporting obligations: Mobility Report and Letter of Confirmation

At the end of your stay, you have to submit your online Mobility Report and gain the Letter of Confirmation on the central website www.ceepus.info

Where to find it: Manage your mobility applications / Academic year (dropdown menu)/ opening the application / Mobility Report and Letter of Confirmation tab - edit

The Mobility Report is your own summary about your teaching period while the Letter of Confirmation is the proof of your stay at the host institution, issued by your local coordinator. Both documents have to be signed and stamped by the host coordinator. A scanned version of the signed and stamped originals have to be uploaded in order to send your application to the final status 'Completed'. You may also have to hand a copy to your home institution’s CEEPUS coordinator or Department/International Office.


Additional information for Freemover applicants

All the information above apply to Freemover applicants as well. However, there are a few additional information that you need to know before you start.

For the winter semester, Hungary offers a limited number of Freemover places. Information is available on our website early summer.  

For the summer semester, usually more places are available. 

Freemovers need to find and contact the Hungarian host university themselves and obtain the Freemover Teachers’ Letter from the host university.

Any of the accredited Hungarian higher education institutions can be chosen as host institution. However, we strongly recommend to choose a host institution that already has CEEPUS activity, in order to minimise administrative obstacles.

You can find a list of Hungarian institutions with CEEPUS activity (choose Academic year and Hungary).

Besides filling in the online application form, you also have to attach:

  • Freemover Teachers’ Letter – a document issued by the host institution about their willingness to recieve you as a guest teacher

You can download a blank form from www.ceepus.info. It has to be signed and stamped. Other forms are not acceptable.

Last modified: 20-09-2024